Becoming an author can be a long and somewhat lonely journey. Over the last decade, I have learned so much—not just about crafting immersive stories that draw readers into my world, but also about how to create books that truly stand out.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the power of an eye-catching book cover. It took me years to develop the skills necessary to bring my vision to life, both for the covers and the book interiors. When I was a girl, my mom read historical romance novels, and I was always fascinated by their covers. The front was elegant, often with lavish fonts that screamed romance, but the real magic was inside the flap. There, a breathtaking piece of art depicted the hero and his lady wrapped in each other’s arms, their passion nearly tangible. It practically made me swoon! When I started writing, I knew I wanted to bring that same beauty and intensity into my books (but with a little less cleavage and exposed limbs! ;-) ).
They say not to judge a book by its cover, but the truth is, we all do. The cover is the first thing we see, the hook that piques our interest. While I had no desire to write the type of romance books my mom used to enjoy (sorry, Mom! LOL), I did want my books to be real. Many Christian romance novels can feel watered down, lacking the depth of emotion and passion that we crave. I wanted to capture the full spectrum of human experience—the passion, the struggles, the triumphs—without sacrificing the moral integrity I uphold as a Christian author. And I wanted my covers to reflect that.
That’s why, the moment you pick up one of my books, you KNOW it isn’t like other Christian romance novels. It will have real emotions, undeniable desire, and truly vile villains. And that’s just from the cover!
Another source of inspiration for the appearance of my books came from the YA fantasy genre. Those books are absolutely stunning—true works of art with sprayed edges, chapter illustrations, and gorgeous formatting. Why can’t all books be like that? Well, they can, and in my opinion, they should. I wanted my books to be just as beautiful and aesthetically pleasing on the inside as they were on the outside. So I dedicated myself to creating stunning chapter art and intricate scene separators. The time I spent on formatting was insane, but the finished product is unlike anything else in the Christian romance community. While I haven’t been able to offer sprayed edges yet, my books are truly a work of art.
I want to be clear: I am not saying this to criticize other Christian romance authors. There are some fantastic ones that I love—Lori Wick, Tamara Leigh, Laura Frantz, Colleen Coble, Julie Lessman, and Francine Rivers, to name a few. They write the way God has called them to write, just as I write the way He has called me to write.
When I first published my books ten years ago, I received some negative reviews for including passion and, from the villains, lust. At the time, I questioned whether I had done something wrong. Should I have removed the passion? But then I wouldn’t have enjoyed reading my own books. Should I have taken God out of my stories and published in a different genre? That was impossible! God is the most important thing in my life—my words would be lifeless without Him. So what was I supposed to do? Was God unhappy with my writing?
To find my answer, I turned to the Bible. What I discovered was eye-opening. Passion and lust are mentioned throughout Scripture. Desire is celebrated in the Song of Solomon, where a woman's beauty is described with reverence (and, yes, he mentions her breasts four times—something my heroes never do! LOL). The Bible doesn’t shy away from emotions, both good and bad. We see love, desire, devotion, betrayal, and even the tragic consequences of unchecked lust (David and Bathsheba, for example).
If God created desire and it is a blessing within the covenant of marriage, then why wouldn’t I write about it? Not only has He allowed me to, but He has called me to. He has given me the gift to tell these stories, and I absolutely love writing them! That is why my books are just as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside. I am truly blessed!
