I can hardly believe it’s already been a week since my last blog post! Time flies when you’re chasing a dream, and today, I want to pause and reflect on the incredible people who have made this journey possible.
Writing can feel like a solitary road at times, but I’ve never truly walked it alone. There have been so many voices of encouragement, hands lifting me up, and hearts cheering me on when I doubted myself.
Today, I want to take a moment to personally thank some amazing people who have been instrumental in this journey:
🌟 Jerry Austin – First and foremost I want to thank my incredible husband, Jerry. He is my biggest fan and there is absolutely no way I could have done this without him and his relentless support. He will never know how much I enjoy listening to him as he laughs and reacts to my book.
🌟 Cora L. – My mom who has literally been in my corner, cheering me on my entire life. She always told me I could do anything I put my mind to and I believed her. I'm so thankful she kept encouraging me to write and not give up.
🌟 Larry L. – My dad who chose to be more than a stepdad. He loves me like I'm his daughter in truth and is right beside my mom cheering me on in all the ways a biological father does. He'll never know how much I needed him.
🌟 Aaron, Wyatt, Hannah, and Aidyan – My children who have given me so much inspiration over the years and have been huge supporters of my dreams. They are the reasons I do what I do.
🌟 Grandma K. – I miss you every single day Grandma and wish more than anything that you could read this one. You were such a massive fan of the first three and they were only rough drafts. Yet, you read them over and over like they were the best books you'd ever read. It's your memory that kept me from letting go of my dreams.
🌟 Mrs. Barbara N. – Her editing was invaluable. I wouldn't have been able to release my book with the confidence I did without her.
🌟 Rachel T. – When I was at my lowest and doubting myself, God used her in such a mighty way to lift me up. I am forever grateful for her encouragement.
🌟 Madison W. – A steadfast supporter from the beginning of this new journey. She’ll never truly know how much her support has meant to me.
🌟 Kristen S. – She helped me identify plot holes and issues during the beta read. Her keen insights were a massive help in shaping my book.
🌟 Stefanie N. – An amazing fellow author who I had the privilege of designing a cover for. She has been so encouraging and has even invited me onto her channel—what a huge honor!
🌟 Leisha S. – She read my book and loved it, and her enthusiasm was a beautiful encouragement to me.
🌟 Sundae S. & Victoria P. – Two wonderful ladies who aren’t really big readers but still took the time to not only read my book but also leave me reviews. It’s people like them who make my tribe so amazing!
These incredible people make up my support group, and I don’t know where I’d be without them. Writing is not just about putting words on a page; it’s about the people who inspire those words. I am beyond grateful for every single person who has played a part in my journey.
As I continue working on A Ranger for an Angel, I carry all of you with me in my heart. Thank you for being a part of this story—not just the ones I write, but the one I’m living.
Who has made a difference in your life lately? I’d love to hear about the people who lift you up! Drop a comment below and let’s celebrate gratitude together. 💕
